Saturday, December 24, 2011

Will I be able to buy RPG games in Korea in English?

Hi, I'm new to computer games, but i really wanna play RPG games this holidays.

I want to BUY role player games like Age of Empires and Diablo (not WoW because its WAY to addictive) and I'm going overseas to Korea soon.

Will I be able to buy those games in english in korea?

Plus, which game would you recommened as a lesser addictive but awesome game involving strategy?|||Yes, you can buy RPG games in Korea in English at Yongsan electronics market, but they are often overpriced because of low demand and imported taxes.

I recommend you to buy the games before you go to Korea or buy them through online via Steam or Amazon.

For picking strategy games, Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, and Civilization IV are very excellent games that have been released recently. But mind you, these games requires a serious thinking to compete against other players!|||no|||Ok, well I can't answer the Korea question right out. But I can tell you that you can always order the games you want online (at like, or something). There are a ton of sites that will deliver world-wide.

To you 2nd question:

My favorite is Sid Meijer's Civilization -- IV is the latest, I think. Age of Empires is a good one too, but it can get kinda crazy because you have to move fast. You can be more laid back in Civ because it's turn-based.

Good luck!|||Personally I've never been to Korea, but a friend of mine says they're some certain stores that will sell English games. Next to that (assuming Korea is similar to China), last time I went to Honk Kong there is a small demand for English games, but your guess is as good as mine.

As for recommended strategy games, I say Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties is a blast (hey I'm Chinese what do you expect?), along with Warcraft 3 (not the same as wow), and the later coming Starcraft 2|||You can always buy them online and digital download. Internet connections are easy to find in Korea, so as long as you have a credit card or paypal you will be fine.

PS I still love Diablo 2|||download Rappelz, Archlords or such, both are decent Free MMORPG's|||buy it online ?

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